The CDM is version 5 The SQL code is MSSQL. It can be translated to other SQL dialects using the OHDSI provided R package SqlRender. These parameters in the SQL files need to point to the appropriate local databases: @vocabulary_database_schema @cdm_database_schema @target_database_schema Implementation steps: 1. run the algorithm code in file EM_BMI_covariate_algorithm_. This is the complete algorithm. this file creates two persistent tables at the top of the script @target_database_schema.bmi_covariates @target_database_schema.bmi_icd 2. When step 1 completes, the two select statements in file dd_report_ pull the data for the two data dictionaries on PheKB. The first select statement for table @target_database_schema.bmi_icd pulls data formatted for the data dictionary BMI_ICD_dd.csv. The second select statement for table @target_database_schema.bmi_covariates pulls data for the data dictionary BMI_drug_condition_dd.csv. If person_id is not the eMERGE subjid, then this needs to be changed by the sites. Note on file names: The PheKB website allows descriptions/labels for links to specific files. For example, as of 3/31/2021, the file described above as "EM_BMI_covariate_algorithm_" has an actual file name of "EM_BMI_covariate_algorithm_20210307.txt" and the label that appears on the HTML page is "Covariate Algorithm (.sql saved as .txt)".