VUMC ACEi cough implementation

Algorithm Type: 
Case, Control
Implementation Details: 

Initially 98 records were reviewed blindly (51 cases and 47 controls).  Based on review, 53 records were designated as cases and 45 as controls.  The 2 records that did not match were controls that should have been cases.  Their allergy was noted among their list of medications.

A second set of 50 control records were reviewed.  3 controls were excluded after it was found that the query used to select the controls used data tables for medications that were not available to the reviewers for analysis.  47 of the 47 contols were correctly classified.

Cases (0) Actual Class (Expectation)
Predicted Class
True Positive: 
Correct result
False Positive: 
Unexpected result
False Negative: 
Missing result
True Negative: 
Correct absence of result
Case Positive Predictive Value:
Control (0) Actual Class (Expectation)
Predicted Class
True Positive: 
Correct result
False Positive: 
Unexpected result
Missing result Correct absence of result
Control Positive Predictive Value: