Pneumonia- VUMC eMERGE v5.1

Identify bacterial pneumonia, similar to that reported with genetic association risk in CD143 and TLR4 A229G in literature.

Phenotype ID: 
Do Not List on the Collaboration Phenotypes List
Type of Phenotype: 
Andrea Ramirez, MD
Contact Author: 

Suggested Citation

Andrea Ramirez, MD. Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Pneumonia- VUMC eMERGE v5.1. PheKB; 2018 Available from:


in our dataset the dates are randomly skewed- if there are privacy concerns around this in other data sets it would be ok to blunt the date up to months or years as your irb allows.  thank you

Hi, the data dictionary 3 has multiple fields that are duplicate (e.. 10829, 2551, 2053).

I don't understand the purpose, if the dd is for total counts. 

