
Project Outline:  Selection of all Caucasian patients with hypothyroidism without a secondary cause of surgical removal or radiological ablation.  The search is designed to eliminate subclinical hypothyroidism (by requiring that patients be on a replacement medication), medication-induced hypothyroidism (e.g., PTU, lithium, or history of amiodarone), and transient causes (e.g., pregnancy or subacute thyroiditis).

Phenotype Description:  Patients with presumptive autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism), requiring replacement therapy.

Phenotype ID: 
Do Not List on the Collaboration Phenotypes List
Type of Phenotype: 
Josh Denny
Contact Author: 

Suggested Citation

Josh Denny. Group Health Cooperative, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Mayo Medical School College of Medicine, Northwestern University, Vanderbilt University. Hypothyroidism. PheKB; 2012 Available from: https://phekb.org/phenotype/14

PubMed References

21981779 25436638