CPT Codes

Red Blood Cell Indices

Laboratory results for ESR and RBC indices (hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, RDW… etc) should be extracted from the Laboratory databases. For Mayo, from January 1994 till October 2009, ESR and RBC test results were populated for our 3336 participants. All samples were collected on an outpatient basis. Samples collected during an inpatient hospitalization (admit date ≤ collection date ≤ discharge date) should be excluded unless this sample was the only one available for a patient.

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SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) using SLICC (Systemic Lupus Internation Collaborating Clinics) Criteria

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that can affect many parts of the body including skin, lungs, brain, heart, kidneys, joints, and blood vessels. SLE presentation can vary significantly between patients. Because of this, it can be challenging to identify a patient as having SLE. Between 300,000 and 2,000,000 people in the US are estimated to have SLE. Determination of an exact number of people affected is challenging as the disease is difficult to identify given the diverse presentations and the length of time it may take for symptoms to appear.

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Sleep Apnea Phenotype

  • The computable phenotype for the Sleep Apnea Patient Centered Outcomes Network uses existing and well established ICD codes for different types of sleep apnea including 327.23 (adult and pediatric obstructive sleep apnea), 780.51 (insomnia with sleep apnea), 780.53 (hypersomnia with sleep apnea), and 780.57 (unspecified sleep apnea).

Statins and MACE

Phenotype Description:  Patients on statins for primary prevention who develop an AMI or 1st AMI. 

Below are algorithms used to identify AMI and 1st AMI cohort at BioVU. If you have questions regarding any of the information presented on this page, you may contact either:

Wei-Qi Wei at wei-qi.wei@vanderbilt.edu

Joshua Denny at josh.denny@vanderbilt.edu



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Urinary Incontinence

Description of a weakly supervised machine learning approach for extracting treatment-related side effects (Urinary Incontinence) following prostate cancer therapy from multiple types of free-text clinical narratives, including progress notes, discharge summaries, history and physical notes. Prostatectomy surgery and radiation therapy are our treatments of interest for prostate cancer.


White Blood Cell Indices

Genetic variation that predicts white blood count (WBC) and it differential, a marker of the health of the immune system.

WBC is unique among the identified inflammatory predictors of chronic disease in that it has been routinely measured in healthy patients in an unbiased way for the duration of the electronic medical record data. 

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