Implementations by Phenotype

Title Phenotype Institution Algorithm Type Total Cases Total Controlssort descending PPV Sensitivity
CCHMC BMI Implementation Body Mass Index (BMI) Case Only
CHOP AID Autoimmune Disease Phenotype CHOP Case, Control
Network Combined Dataset - Statins/MACE Statins and MACE Case, Control
Geisinger_Breast_Cancer Breast Cancer Geisinger Case, Control
Mount Sinai Chronic Kidney Disease Mount Sinai Case Only
CHOP Depression Depression Case, Control
Columbia Clinical Data Warehouse DILI algorithm Implementation Drug Induced Liver Injury Columbia University Case, Control 32%, 100%
HDL Marshfield Implementation High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Case Only 82% 92%
Geisinger Implemention Anxiety algorithm Geisinger Case, Control
Marshfield implementation caMRSA Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Case, Control 100%, 100% 100%, 100%
RBC Marshfield Implementation Red Blood Cell Indices Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Case Only 96% 87%
CHOP Type 1 Diabetes CHOP Case, Control
NU autoimmunity implementation Autoimmune Disease Phenotype Northwestern University Case, Control
CRS merged all sites CRS (Chronic Rhinosinusitis) Case, Control
Geisinger Implementation Statins and MACE Geisinger Case, Control
Marshfield Implementation Pneumonia- VUMC eMERGE v5.1 Marshfield Clinic Research Institute Case, Control
Network Combined Dataset - ACE-I induced Cough ACE Inhibitor (ACE-I) induced cough Case, Control
NU breast ca Breast Cancer Northwestern University Case, Control
Implementation for NAFLD Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NALFD) & Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (ALD) CCHMC Case Only 89% 100%
CHOP implementation Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Phenotype Algorithm CHOP Case, Control 92%, 100%
NU depression data Depression Northwestern University Case, Control
Mount Sinai Biobank DILI algorithm Implementation Drug Induced Liver Injury Mount Sinai School of Medicine Case, Control 29%, 100%
Height Marshfield Implementation Height Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Case Only 87% 84%
NU T2DM PRS implementation Type 2 Diabetes - PRS Evaluation Northwestern University Case, Control
RBC Mayo Implementation Red Blood Cell Indices Mayo Clinic Case Only 98% 94%
